Reflections - Nicky

My first month in Austria was amazing. And every month since has been the same!

In my first 2 weeks my host mum Martina showed me around the town and took me every day into her primary school. We often ate in the town or walked to the lake. The kids at the school were great and although they spoke no English and my German was very bad they loved me.

The second week I got invited to go to a School Ball by the other exchange students. One is a boy called Mike from New Zealand whom I have become very good friends with and who goes to my school. Balls happen very often in this time of year and it was a really good night, I got to buy a dress (It wasn't a formal Ball but I still dressed up). There was a lot of dancing and talking and at this point my German was still very bad as it was only just my second week but everyone thankfully spoke English.

The day after the Ball Cinderalla (me) went skiing! Mike's host parents Sabine and Wolfgang (I went to live with them in June) invited me to go with them to a nearby mountain called Bodele. I used their daughter Laura's boots, skis, poles, helmet and goggles. Laura is in New Zealand and she said I could borrow them. The skiing was amazing. We spent all day at the mountain and my host Mum soon grew tired. But it was perfect weather, blue skies and amazing snow. So life moves on!!!!

The next learning experience was my language camp in Altmnster, Upper Austria. Mike and I caught a train and we spent 6 hours travelling. The language camp was for two weeks with all of the Rotary exchange students in Austria, There were about 26 of us all up, people mainly came from Australia and South America, there were 3 New Zealanders and 1 girl from South Africa. My German was already coming along and I got put into the advanced German class. So every day for two weeks we would spend six and a half hour's flooding our brains with German. They did however give us a day off where we got to go to Salzburg for a day! It was amazing going to Salzburg, although it was freezing cold the sun was shining and the sky was blue. We saw all the typical landmarks like Mozart's museum and birthplace, the town and we even ate at a typical Salzburger restaurant.

Mike and I left the camp a day early because we had another ball to go to, but this time it was our school (Blumenstrasse)'s Ball, so we were expected by teachers and pupils to go and that Saturday marked one month In Austria. So far it has been amazing. Oh and I can speak and understand basic German so life moves on!!!!

Onto September, I'm back at school. Going back to school after the holidays was really good. Everything was better, with friends, with the teachers. I felt a huge improvement in my German having changed host families and spoken constant German at home. I never communicate in English with my host family or my school friends any more (except the friends who want to improve their English). Some teachers have taken a huge interest in me and want me to sit tests because they feel I can keep up with the work (psychology and chemistry). Going to school every day has slowly became one of my favourite things. Previously it was a mixture of hanging out with exchange students and seeing school friends, but now I have constant invitations from my school friends. I'm so incredibly happy. So life moves on!!!!

Writing on Tuesday the 10th of October (2 months 3 weeks left, 86 days ) I can tell you the plan for the next few months. This weekend, I go to Vienna with all of the exchange students again for a city trip. I'll be travelling up on Thursday night and getting into Vienna early Friday morning, we'll see a musical, go out for dinner, see the city, free time etc. Then the week I come back from Vienna it's my birthday! I'll have dinner with my host family, my old host family and some exchange friends that live in my state. That weekend there's a big Halloween party that will substitute as my Birthday party (Considering I don't want to have a party and burden my host family so all of my friends will come to this party). Then the week after my Birthday I go To Prague, Dresden and Berlin with the exchange students again. (That was my birthday present from my parents, thanks again Mum and Dad!) So life moves on!!!!

And now it's December already! December will be a very fast, exciting and sad months. Skiing, my family coming to visit, and last but not least... Christmas! My first white Christmas! And now for the sad part... I'll be home soon after Christmas!

Merry Christmas from Austria! The Christmas markets have started all over Austria, including in my little city. The streets are filled Christmas lights and little wooden stalls; there's a huge, beautifully decorated Christmas tree, there are donkey stalls and pony stalls and its only getting colder! The snow came in the city last night, and the mountains surrounding me are covered in snow. It gets dark at 5:00pm and the Christmas spirit is starting to come alive! I'll be with my host family for Christmas eve at my Host-Grandmothers house; we'll eat a big meal and go to church (I'll have a very traditional Austrian Christmas)

This past month has been very calm, I did go to Berlin, Prague and Dresden 4 weeks ago, but it feels like a lifetime ago, I can't believe how fast time is going! As it's gotten colder it's given me an excuse to wear thick scarves and boots, beanies and gloves, it feels amazing. Everything has been amazing in my school, with my friends; I've had something to do every day, every weekend, and it really is true what other exchange students said; that the last months are the best, and just as your life couldn't get any better you have to leave. I'm already scared, nervous, excited to come home but looking at the amazing friends I have made the (not so) beautiful language I have learnt; the breath-taking things I have seen, I can't believe this year has really happened.

It still feels like a dream; a long exciting dream I wish would never end. Along with Merry Christmas I also want to say thank you ALL so much for this amazing opportunity, it has defiantly been the best year of my life and I will never forget it. Merry Christmas again, and I hope all is well in Melbourne, and that everyone is happy and healthy. So life has moved on!!!!

Schöne Gruße aus Bregenz! (Good Wishes from Bregenz),


Hosted by:
Rotary Club of Bregenz, D1920 Austria

Meredith Miegel

Rotary Youth Exchange provides an opportunity of a lifetime for Australian high school students to live & study abroad. Learn a new language, discover another culture, and truly become a global citizens. Rotary Youth Exchanges are sponsored by Rotary clubs in more than 100 countries. Exchange is for 12 months, and students get to live with 3 – 4 host families and attend the local school.

Reflections - Ally


Reflections - Emily